Lake Titicaca and the best of Cusco

Services included
  • 10 nights’ accommodation
  • Breakfast every day and some lunches in specific places
  • Airport and domestic transfers
  • Guided tours & entrance fees
  • Domestic flights
  • Gourmet experience in Lima, enjoy the famous local cuisine.
  • Return to the Inca Empire: Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu.
  • Discover Cusco while strolling through the streets of San Blas.
  • Panoramic bus tour to Puno, stopping at charming towns.

from £2099 per person


Lake Titicaca and the best of Cusco

Through this tour you will be able to visit some of the best places in Cusco and southern Peru. You will enjoy the life of the cosmopolitan city and its famous culinary culture, but also of different communities in the country.

After exploring Lima, the country's capital, you will travel to Cusco and journey through the Sacred Valley admiring the beauty and splendour of this valley. You will also visit the ruins of Ollantaytambo and the majestic capital of the Inca Empire: Machu Picchu. Then continue to the south of the country until you reach Lake Titicaca, to appreciate its majesty and the hospitality of its inhabitants.

Day 1: Arrival in Lima
Arrival in Lima

Welcome to Lima!

Upon arrival in Lima, a transfer will take you to your accommodation in Miraflores. This is one of the liveliest neighbourhoods in the city with theatres, cinemas, and art galleries. Take the opportunity to walk around the city and do not forget to rest and recharge your batteries for the wonderful trip that will soon begin.

Day 2: The taste of Lima

Lima walking tour

The morning begins in a local market, shopping alongside families and sous chefs. We will sample fresh fruits and explore Peruvian produce. The local market will whet your appetite for the day.

We will continue touring the historic centre of the city, and we will visit the Plaza Mayor, the Cathedral, the Archbishop's residence, the Presidential Palace, and the bright yellow Franciscan church, which was used as a cemetery in colonial times.

It is time to savour the most famous dish in Peru: ceviche. A typical dish of raw fish marinated with citrus juices and chili served with colourful seasonings such as onions, coriander, and peppers. Something not to be missed when in Lima. Other delicious options should not be ignored, such as Causa (avocado and shrimp layered between mashed potato). Our gastronomic tour ends with the lightest and crispest Picarones (fried dough), while every culture has a version, the Peruvian edition is special.

The evening at leisure and tomorrow we head towards the Andes.

Day 3: Lima - Cusco - Sacred Valley
Way to Cusco and Sacred Valley

Way to Cusco and Sacred Valley

This morning you will take a transfer to the airport and head straight to the airport. On arrival to Cusco, you will be met by a representative. Immediately after we start descending into the Sacred Valley of the Incas. While still at considerable altitude - 2600m, spending our first day in the Sacred Valley is a good way to acclimatise, allowing our bodies to adjust to the attitude to come.

We will enjoy a light picnic lunch, then continue to our Lodge in the Valley. This is a day to relax, eat well and enjoy your surroundings.

Day 4: Moray - Maras - Pachamanca
Moray to Salinas de Mara... and Pachamanca

Moray to Salinas de Mara... and Pachamanca

After breakfast, we will drive through the valley. Our first stop is in Chinchero, a lovely town traditionally renowned for its specialised weaving techniques and unique handmade textiles. Then we continue to the circular Inca ruins of Moray. Three natural, crater-like depressions are lined with a series of concentric circular terraces that get smaller as they disappear down into the earth.

Our next stop is the Salinas de Maras the naturally occurring, yet mysterious salt pans that cover the entire side of a canyon made of red rock. They have been in continual operation since pre-Incan times.

As we approach Ollantaytambo, it is time for lunch and time to try “Pachamanca” a traditional style of Peruvian cooking. The Pachamanca is a traditional Incan meal cooked upon hot rocks and includes a tour of the hotel and an adjacent organic farm. You are welcome to participate in the preparation of the Pachamanca, and while the food cooks.

Day 5: Hiking in Huchuy Qosqo
Huchuy Qosqo

Huchuy Qosqo

Today you will enjoy a one-day hike to this fascinating place built by the Incas. It is called Huchuy Qosqo, which in the local Quechua language means “Small Cusco”.

The hike begins in the small village of Siwas (3,800 m), after 1.5 hours driving from the city of Cusco. In the morning you will go up to the highest point of the day. To reach it, you will need to walk slowly and steady for 1.5 hours, this not too difficult of an ascent to 4060 m. If the weather permits, you can see far into the distance the massive snow-capped Nevada of Ausangate, one of the three most sacred mountains around Cusco. After we take some pictures and enjoy the views from the top, we begin the two-hour walk down to Huchuy Qosqo. We continue walking and enjoy awesome views of agricultural terraces, some examples of the local fauna, like dear or unique birdlife and amazing viewpoints. Carrying on walking we finally reach our principal destination of the day: Huchuy Qosqo. Once there you will stop for lunch that will be served in a box lunch.

Huchuy Qosqo shows a cultural example of agricultural engineering with irrigation channels and terraces. In the afternoon you leave Huchuy Qosqo and descend for about two and a half hours towards the Village of Lamay, which is the place where transport will meet and take you back to your accommodation.

Day 6: Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu in One Day
Machu Picchu

Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu

We must have breakfast early to leave for Ollantaytambo. We will have the opportunity to walk among the ruins of the Inca Fortress and the ceremonial site of Ollantaytambo, marvelling at these extraordinarily well preserved archaeological remains located around a quiet plaza, famous for its peaceful charm.

Then we will take the train to Aguas Calientes while we head to Machu Picchu. Upon arrival at Aguas Calientes a buffet lunch will be offered. After lunch, a bus will take us to Machu Picchu. It is time to walk around this UNESCO World Heritage Site and explore the most important places and take pictures as testimony of your visit.

Once the visit is finished, we will return to Aguas Calientes by bus, to take the train back to Ollantaytambo and then a transfer to your accommodation in Cusco.

Day 7: Back in Cusco
Back in Cusco


After breakfast, take some time to explore the old bohemian neighbourhood of San Blas, famous for its picturesque white walls and blue doors, and its historically artisan community.

On the other side of the city, you will find the San Pedro market, a Cusco institution that you should not miss. Famous for its tempting exotic fresh fruits and vegetables, delicious juices (too many to choose from), and natural herbal medicine stands. Continuing along Avenida el Sol, the central avenue of Cusco, you will find the magnificent temple of Koricancha. Originally dedicated to the sun god Inti, it is said that it was the most important temple of the Inca Empire. Do not miss your chance to have lunch at a local Peruvian restaurant.

In the afternoon, it is worth visiting the imposing Fort of "Saqsayhuaman" and also looking for some less visited archaeological areas such as the Temple of the Moon.

Day 8: Destination Puno
Road to Puno

Road to Puno

Today we will travel by road to Puno and make some stops along the way, starting with Oropesa, the capital of bread. If you have not had the opportunity to try this sweet bread during your stay in Cusco, now is the time.

Halfway through we will stop at a ranch dedicated to producing the most famous Cusqueño cheese. The family that owns this place will invite us to lunch. Then we go to Fundo Chincheros, a ranch from the end of the 19th century, dedicated to the breeding of traditional Andean animals, such as llamas, alpacas, cows, sheep, and horses. There is the possibility for visitors to share the daily activities of the farm or simply spend some time relaxing in nature.

We return to our transport to continue our way to Puno for 2 more hours.

Day 9: Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca

Visit Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is the highest commercially navigable lake in the world. We will transfer you from your accommodation to the port. We will visit two islands in the lake where unique living cultures and traditions are still alive.

First, we go down to the floating islands of Uros (Uros Reed Islands), a group of manmade islands built from reeds. We will have time to explore the site and become familiar with the customs of its inhabitants. The Uros are indigenous people of Peru and Bolivia, and they live on an approximate and still growing 120 self-fashioned floating islands.

We will continue our trip to the island Amantani, located 26 miles (38 km) away from the city of Puno (3.5 hours of navigation in a normal boat). Because of its more distant location, tourism on the island of Amantani has not developed as much. The 3,600 inhabitants of Amantani are of Quechua origin and they are mainly small-scale farmers. We will spend one night on the island with a local family. The houses are very simple, and services are basic. There is no running water, no electricity and of course no comfortable toilets or showers. For many people, this home-stay experience and time spent with the host family is a revelation of the reality of the lives of Andean people at such altitude. This cultural exchange experience in Amantani is very touching and fascinating.

Day 10: Return to Puno and visit Sillustani

Visit Sillustani

After enjoying an authentic homemade breakfast and saying goodbye to our friendly hosts, we will return to the boat to continue our journey, now towards Taquile Island. In Taquile, we will hike to the highest point of the island for breath-taking views of Lake Titicaca, from where we will be able to see the Capachica Peninsula and the Bolivian Mountain Range.

We will have lunch at a beautiful ranch built in the 19th century, where we will have the opportunity to enjoy a traditional meal, in a secluded place away from the crowds and surrounded by spectacular views.

In the afternoon we will continue our way to Puno, to visit the Sillustani archaeological site, a pre-Incan burial ground on the shores of Lake Umayo. The tombs, which are built above ground in tower-like structures called chullpas, are the vestiges of the Colla people, Aymara, who were conquered by the Inca in the 15th century.

In the afternoon we will go to Juliana airport to take a domestic flight to Lima. Once in Lima, a transfer will take you to your accommodation.

Day 11: Goodbye Perú
Goodbye Perú

Back Home

Today is your last day in Peru! You will be met at your accommodation for a transfer to the airport, where you will connect with your departure flight.

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